Is it ever too early to plan a birthday party?
I think not.
With a little over three months to plan, I'm already pinning away at idea's for my little Lyla Lu Lu's big beautiful birthday bash.
Here's some of my top pin*spirations:
Looking at these themes, I was set on doing a vintage circus party. I just kept finding more and more fun things to do with that theme. But as I pinned away, I started realizing that this theme might be a touch more fun if Lyla was a little older and could play some of the awesome game ideas that would be oh-so-cute at the party.
Then, I was at Michaels two weeks ago and found the mother-load. I found all these ADORABLE button theme items on mega clearance.
I knew in that moment what our theme would be.
Then, to my surprise, as I kept shopping at JoAnn fabrics and Target I started collecting even more items ON SALE!
My birthday collection has grown a great deal and it makes me giddy to think about how little money I have spent so far.
This is why it's never too early to pick a theme for a party.
I still have 3 more months to collect more super cute sale items!
Would a vintage circus 1st Birthday theme still be adorable? Y-E-S!
{Will it be Lyla's 2nd birthday theme? A HUGE PROBABLY!}
But the way I see it is- you really only have one year (possibly two) to get away with a super-cute, low fuss theme.
{And then soon after that your babies will start requesting some crazy purple ninja ballerinas as their theme and then you'll really be in for it!}
I really am excited to put this all together.
Incase you want to run out to the stores and scoop up some of these adorable items (if you're in Anchorage-- good luck... I've pretty much cleared the shelves) then check out some more inspirational "cute as a button" pictures:
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