Monday, May 27, 2013

8 Months

Man time is flying on by!  
Lyla turned 8 months over two weeks ago and soooo much has changed since then.  
But I will try to stay as true to where she was on that day as much as possible!

8 months

Clothing size
6, 9, and 12 months

Milestones & Firsts
Lyla is officially a crawling girl!
It took her about two weeks to master it from the time she started getting up on her knees.  

Sleep habits
 Lyla was back to sleeping from 8pm-8am and taking two, 2 hour naps BUT when we got home from our Phoenix vacation she started waking up at 6:30am!!!  Whaaat?!  No fun!

New/Favorite Foods
Girl loves her finger foods now

I also did a post all about some of our current feeding favorites here.

Favorite Toys
She is obsessed with books right now.  I wrote all about her favorite ones here.

We pulled out all of our board books for her to play with.
Although, sometimes a new crawler and the corner of a hard book don't really go well together...

New or Favorite Words/Sounds 
Lyla is still a growler.  She espeically gets going if youre not feeding her fast enough.

Her new noises are Ly-Ly-Ly and Da-Da-Da-Da
{Which, of course, makes her Daddy happy}

Favorite Activity 
Lyla loves to ride in the shopping carts with her feet up in the air

She also LOVES to go on bike rides.  We seriously hear squeals as we're peddling down the road.

Mommy of the Month
Sometimes you have to get creative when your baby won't let you finish folding laundry...

Playtime Fun
Ticklish on thighs
Playing "Where's Lyla" with a blanket
Patty-cake gets her laughing every time.
And she loves when I take pictures with the camera turned so she can see herself

Top 5 this month
1) Our first family vacation to Phoenix, Arizona (posted in detail here)

2) Taking Lyla to the park for the first time

3) A little driving lesson...

4) Dancing with Lyla at our friend's wedding.  
She was a giggle machine the whole time!

5) Lyla had a bad diaper rash so we spent an evening doing nakey time in the Pack-n-Play.  It was cleared up the next day but, boy was that an adventure for me!

Lyla is:
Such a beautiful baby full of personality.  It's amazing just how many people comment on how alert/happy/bright-eyed she is when we are out and about.  I know she is going to be a big people-person.  And one silly girl just like her Dad!!